Expired HAZWOPER without Refresher

Can you take the 8hr HAZWOPER refresher if your 40hr expired?

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Sep 12, 2012
Expired HAZWOPER without Refresher NEW
by: Anonymous

I like your explaination on the above subject, it makes perfect sense. Now I can say the we are in a perfect world, how perfect the world we lived in. Like one master of minds says, “Chance only favors the prepared mind” By: Lewis Pasteur. Or is it "The prepared mind's only favors Chance" By: The man from far far away Guam

Jul 30, 2011
by: SGC Group

An expired HAZWOPER is like a tree falling in the woods. If you weren't there, did it make a noise when it fell?

There is a couple of month window for expiration if you're currently working in a HAZMAT environment so you'll have time to take the refresher.

All of Our Refresher Courses are Only $39.95! Don't miss another job because you're not up-to-date!

If you step away from your industry that requires the HAZWOPER, then a few years later, you decide to come back, then I don't think it will matter and here's why:

As the Senior UXO Supervisor (SUXOS) or the UXO Safety/QC, our responsibility is to verify that all workers have their required certifications to include their 40 Hour HAZWOPER and their 8 Hour Refresher.

If they've had their 40 Hour HAZWOPER from years ago, all I care about is their current 8 Hour Refresher.

I'm not looking for the expired 8 Hour HAZWOPER Refresher certificates and I'm not matching dates to see if there were any gaps.

Bottom line is that if you have an expired HAZWOPER, just do the refresher and you'll be good to go.

If you are going to do the Refresher, we would appreciate you taking it with us. It's only $39.95, you'll have your new certificate as soon as you complete the course and you can always log in to get another copy if you lose the original.

SGC Group Online Training

See all of our course offerings to maintain and upgrade your OSHA certifications with SGC Group!

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