OSHA HAZCOM Standard Online
Initial, Refresher or EMS CE OSHA HAZCOM Standard Online Course is for 29 CFR 1910.1200 states employers provide hazard communication training to all employees who work around hazardous substances.
This course is designed to assist workers to meet the Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) training requirement.
This course should be coupled with company specific information as needed.

Get Started on Your HAZCOM or HAZCOM Refresher Now and Have Your Certificate in about 3 Hours! Only $24.95!
Who Should Take This Course?
Per 29 CFR 1910.1200, employees who work around, or are exposed to, any sort of hazardous chemicals must be trained within 30 days of their hire date and, in many states, annually thereafter. This is also known as an"Employee's Right To Know."
OSHA HAZCOM Standard is divided into five sections, each of which should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Section 1 The Hazard Communication Standard
Section 2 Hazard Recognition and Reference Sources
Section 3 Introduction to Toxicology
Section 4 Physical and Chemical Properties
Section 5 General Safety Hazards
FINAL EXAM, Course Questions and Course Evaluation-This course has one 25 question final exam. A 70% score or better is required to pass the final exam.
If a student does not pass the exam the first time, they may retake the exam as many times as necessary in order to pass.

Get Started on Your HAZCOM or HAZCOM Refresher Now and Have Your Certificate in about 3 Hours! Only $24.95!
Additional Training
Workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on the specific hazards of their job.
Training Providers should be used to ensure credibility and augment a company's training program. Therefore, in addition to the training provided by an outside party, a student should receive site-specific training that is supplied by their own company.
This training should target the company's unique approach to hazard prevention, including the use of site-specific equipment, health and safety policies, and emergency procedures. As a rule, this company specific training should be well documented.
With regard to hazard communication training, employees must be trained on the specific substances that they will be working around.
The bottom line in ALL SITUATIONS is that employers are required to ensure that their employees are adequately trained to do their job.

Get Started on Your HAZCOM or HAZCOM Refresher Now and Have Your Certificate in about 3 Hours!
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